
Although this group was started in H&F in 2018 it has since expanded to cover most of West London. So whether you live in LBHF or Ealing, Acton, Chiswick, Kensington or anywhere else in the wider area you're very welcome. And if there isn't a local group where you are do join us.' 

We have meetings on the 1st Wednesday of each month in person. The meetings are usually held in the Parish Centre at Our Lady of Fatima Church, Commonwealth Ave, London W12 7QR. From time to time we may meet in a different location so please check the WhatsApp group.

Please check the WhatsApp group for up to date info, in case there are changes. WhatsApp Group

​GET IN TOUCH xrlocal.lbhf@gmail.com  or through WhatsApp

We have plenty to discuss, we will be continuing to develop and work on our actions on air pollution across the borough, discussing how we can put pressure on the Council to make sure they deliver (and more) on their Climate pledges. We will also be discussing how we can contribute to the  broader XR activities. Please come along and join us. 

You can join in with  XR in many different ways – as well as local groups (like Hammersmith & Fulham) there are different community groups and other affiliated groups. (Have a look further down this page.)

Within H&F we organise ourselves into Working Groups and communicate mainly though WhatsApp groups.  The easiest way to start this is to join the Announcements WhatsApp group which is where messages about various things are posted.

If you want an overview of what XR is all about - have a look at this video.

you can contact us here:  xrlocal.lbhf@gmail.com   

Come and join one of the actions we are regularly involved in. We are part of a group visiting banks in the city (and the Bank of England) in the morning to catch employees on their way to work and also a group visiting the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph - pointing out their ongoing lack of seriousness and accuracy reporting the CEE.


We are at a critical stage in the negotiations over the future of Hammersmith Bridge - let's keep it car free. The Bridge opened for cyclists as well as pedestrians ion the 18th Feb almost 3 and a half years to the day it was closed. Lets hope it's made permanent.

Hammersmith and Fulham community energy

join us in setting up a community energy project where solar panels will be fitted to community spaces (churches, schools, leisure centres etc), the electricity generated will be sold back to the location with a small profit paid as a dividend to shareholders (that could be you) and then re-invested into more projects. We have funding for projects to begin in 2024.

XRHF is focussing on the issue of Air Pollution in our borough, the awful effects on all our health and trying to put pressure on the local council to reduce polluting vehicles. We have a fantastic local resource in Imperial College, we are planning different actions over the coming months. Join us to find out more.

The Climate Clock shows two numbers. The first, in red, is a timer, counting down how long it will take, at current rates of emissions, to burn through our “carbon budget” — the amount of CO2 that can still be released into the atmosphere while limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. This is our deadline. The second number is our lifeline - with a variety of metrics showing how far we are off target.

Want to know more about Extinction Rebellion, what we stand for and what we are asking for?


The IPCC has published its 2023 report.  Read it here

XR latest news - read it here


1. come to one of our meetings
2. listen to an XR talk online or in person
3. join in one of the national campaigns
4. join in a local action
5. take some training from XR

A way to connect and work together through communities of self-identity rather than of shared location. The groups are supportive and welcoming and looking for you. If you cannot find your group email: xr.connectingcommunities@gmail.com

Get in touch with one of the many groups within XR who are focussing on a particular issue of the Climate and Ecological Emergency.